redrex photography


redrex photography is led by me, James Wilson and is based in Northampton. I create bespoke packages for weddings, portraits & commercial projects, and take great care in creating unique and finely executed products at competitive prices.

I first got in to photography during my computer graphics science degree, which involved image capturing. From this I developed a passion for taking photos and started selling stock images via agencies to companies. My knowledge of computer graphics has also enabled me to enhance my creativity in post processing of photos and web designing to offer quality bespoke products to my customers.

Please see the portfolio page for examples of my work.

Independent reviews of my work can be viewed here.

James Wilson

You can find redrex photography elsewhere on the web on facebook, flickr and twitter.

redrex plugins

redrex Photography Plugins

I also offer photography plugin products for professional and amateur photographers worldwide for Lightroom & Photoshop via my plugins website.

Photographs & text © 2007-2025 redrex photography.
All rights reserved. Reproduction or redistribution in any form without prior written permission is strictly prohibited.

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